Thursday Prayer Meeting
Join us as we pray for our world, our country, our city, and our members. We will meet every Thursday night at 6:00 pm in the Worship Center.
Join us as we pray for our world, our country, our city, and our members. We will meet every Thursday night at 6:00 pm in the Worship Center.
We have several opportunities for young adults to get involved. We have weekly Bible studies as well as special events.
Core Groups for young adults:
College Room 301 Age 18-25
Impact Eternity/Young Families Room 124 Age 20-50's
C.R.E.A.T.E.D. Room 308 Age 20-50's
There are several opportunities to get involved here at FBC. Join us every Sunday mornings at 9:45 for a Core Group as we dive into God's Word and fellowship with a community of believers. You can also get involved by serving on one of our ministry teams or by getting involved in other events at the church.
Core Groups for median adults:
Impact Eternity/Young Families Room 124 Age 20-50's
Do you desire to learn more about God's word and to grow in your walk with Him? Join us as we develop relationships with other believers and pray for and encourage each other as we parent young children. Taught by Kevin & Becky Thach
Next Steps Room 129 Age 40-60
Our goal is to grow and continue to seek God for the next step in our spiritual journey and to find encouragement and wisdom from God's Word and our peers as we parent young adults. Taught by Joel & Nina Lay. Joel is an accountant at ORNL. Married for 30 years; my wife and I have 4 children and 3 grandchildren.
Crusaders Room 132 Age 50-80
Taught by Don Davis. Don is a retired Veterinarian, married to Mary, father of Amanda and Michael and grandfather to Josiah, Eli, Reese and Annie.
Adult Co-Ed 1 Room 203 Age 50-80
This class welcomes lots of discussion during their Bible study time and would love to have new points of view from visitors. Taught by Jim Hayes. Jim is retired from investment sales and enjoys fishing.
Women of the Word Room 211 Age 20 and up
Join women of all ages as they study and grow in God's Word. Taught by Carol Ann Kendrick & Joy Parrot. Carol Ann is retired from Oak Ridge National Lab. She has 2 daughters and 5 grandchildren and grew up attending First Baptist Kingston, and have taught many age groups. Joy has been married to her husband for 37 years and has 4 children and 1 grandchild. She is a retired dental hygienist and enjoys reading and beach vacations.
Check out our calendar or contact our pastor for more information.
Young at Heart meets at 10:30 a.m. the first Monday of each month in Family Life Center-program followed by pot luck lunch.
Core Groups for senior adults:
Crusaders Room 132 Age 50-80
Taught by Don Davis. Don is a retired Veterinarian, married to Mary, father of Amanda and Michael and grandfather to Josiah, Eli, Reese and Annie.
Adult Co-Ed 2 Room 137 Age 50-80
Join with other believers in deepening our relationship with our Lord through the study of scripture and discussion of and participation in effective application of its Truth. Taught by Jody McLoud. Jody is a retired Educator, Member of FBC Staff, Husband, father, grandfather, enjoys playing with grand kids, sports and reading
Adult Co-Ed 1 Room 203 Age 50-80
This class welcomes lots of discussion during their Bible study time and would love to have new points of view from visitors. Taught by Jim Hayes. Jim is retired from investment sales and enjoys fishing.
Willing Hearts Room 202 Age 70 and up
Join this group of friendly, caring women as they study God's Word. Taught by Madalyne Robbins. Madalyne is a homemaker, wife, and grandmother. She enjoys Bible study and teaching.
Boiler Room Believers Room 204 Age 50 and up
This group of believers laugh, cry and support each other in good times and bad. We seek to serve God and His kingdom. Taught by Sandy McPherson. Sandy is married with 3 grown children and 4 grandchildren. He is a long time member of FBC.
Sanctuary Gleaners Room 205 Age 70 and up
This class is made up of mostly "mature" believers who enjoy sharing their experiences with others. Taught by Louis Scherf. Louis is a retired machinist/engineer, married 60+ years, father of 5, grandfather of 8, great-grandfather of 3. He is a US Navy Veteran of the Korean War and he enjoys wood working.
Peacemakers Room 211 Age 60 and up
We enjoy having new ladies come to our class. Ladies in this class are friendly and concerned for others. Most come early for the fellowship. Taught by Louise Jones. Louise has been married for 51 years, has 2 children, 2 grand-daughters, and goes by the title "Mamaw". She enjoys reading, sudoku, logic puzzles, and cross-stitch.
Women of the Word Room 213 Age 20 and up
Join women of all ages as they study and grow in God's Word. Taught by Carol Ann Kendrick & Joy Parrot. Carol Ann is retired from Oak Ridge National Lab. She has 2 daughters and 5 grandchildren and grew up attending First Baptist Kingston, and have taught many age groups.Joy has been married to her husband for 37 years and has 4 children and 1 grandchild. She is a retired dental hygienist and enjoys reading and beach vacations.
Our mission is to provide each woman with a place to serve her Lord and to make friends through Bible study, fellowship, and other events. The goal of WEM is to lead women to grow in God's word and to bridge the gap between younger and older women.
Women of the Word. Join a small group of women on Tuesday mornings in Bible study offered periodically through the year. Bible studies may also be offered on Sunday nights and Wednesday nights.
Contact Beth McConnell.
Do you enjoy reading Christian literature? Then join us once a month to discuss our latest novel.
Contact Donna Campbell.
Join us for low-impact exercise each Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 9-10 AM. Mats are available.
Contact Beth McConnell.
These are offered periodically for women. Check the church calendar for upcoming events.
Men's Bible Studies are offered on Tuesday nights. Contact Don Davis for more details.